MT International's Home on the WWW

MT International's Home on the WWW

Friday, January 29, 2016

February Events

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Welcome Reception, Follow Up

We had a great time yesterday at the semi-annual Welcome Reception. In fact, we ran out of coffee and hot chocolate! We've never done that before, even in years when it was colder outside. There were students from the US, France, Japan, India, and Indonesia. I think we even had a few from China and Saudi Arabia that dropped in and out quickly.

Thanks to all who came out!
The group grew...

...and grew.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Welcome Reception, Live

We are just under way!

Thinking About Spring Break Yet?

I know, the semester has just begun, but it's time to start thinking about Spring Break. Where will you go? Are you staying in Murfreesboro? Are you planning a trip? Would you like to visit other places within the US? There are plenty of options!

First, there is a trip to Puerto Rico that the Rec Center has planned. The trip will be a chance to visit the US territory in the Caribbean for some surfing, snorkeling, and hiking. The dates of the trip are March 6th through 11th, and the cost is $1175 per person, which includes transportation, lodging, and lessons. The picture in this post has the details. Sign-ups are through the Rec Center. This trip will not require a new or different Visa, but will require your I-20 be signed for travel.

Next is a trip to Washington, DC. This trip will be led by Harold Bryer. Harold, if you are not familiar, is associated with an organization called, InterFace. This is not part of ISSS, but Harold has worked with us for many years to provide services and events for international students. You might know Harold from the Tuesday night, Conversation Partners Meal. Harold's trip to DC will be March 4th through 12th. The cost will be $350 plus one tank of gas (approximately $40). This cost covers transportation and lodging, but not food and other items. For this trip, you can sign up in the ISSS office, Jones Hall 111. This trip is limited to two males and four females. If you would like to sign up, bring a $100 deposit to the ISSS office as early as possible.

Finally, ISSS will plan a trip to somewhere in the Middle Tennessee area for those who are not planning to travel during the break. The trip will be a single day trip, leaving out at 8am, and returning by 4pm. We will have a survey in a future email for those wishing to join. It will be Wednesday, March 9, and will have a destination of somewhere such as, Opry Mills Mall in Nashville, Fall Creek Falls Park for hiking, the Huntsville Space Museum in Alabama, the Nashville Zoo, etc. Start thinking about where you'd like to go and be ready to answer the survey when it is asked.

So, begin thinking about your Spring Break plans. The second week of March will be here before you know it!

New International Student Welcome Reception

Today, we are hosting our semi-annual welcome reception for our new international students. All are welcome to join us. Light refreshments will be available. The reception will begin at 4pm in the James Union Building (JUB) Hazelwood Room. Go up the main steps to the building, into the lobby, and follow the hall to the left. You can't miss us!

Whether you are new to campus, or have been here a few semesters, this always provides a great opportunity to meet new international, or catch up with friends you haven't seen in a while. We hope you'll join us to greet and welcome our new students.

Photos to follow...

Easily View Events

Today, we have added the ability to view the agenda of our Google Calendar to the sidebar. Clicking on an event will expend it, so you can see more details. Of course you can always visit the full calendar,, but from this blog, you can quickly see what is coming up.

Remember to check back often to see what's new, and don't forget, you can subscribe to this blog to be notified when changes are made.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


In an attempt to keep you, the international community at MTSU, up-to-date on everything we have happening, we have created this blog to post event reminders and event follow-up. By visiting on a regular basis, you will always know what is coming. You can also find photos and reviews of events that have taken place. You can also use the site to comment on events.

Another use for the site will be for us to keep you informed of important dates and events that you can use to stay connected with the campus, as a whole, or items that are important to help you maintain your immigration status. It will also be used to direct prospective and new students through the application and orientation process.

Overall, we hope you will find this site informative and relevant.