MT International's Home on the WWW

MT International's Home on the WWW

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Events of Interest, Feb. 23-28

In an effort to grow the value of this site, I'll start posting weekly events.

Tuesday, 2/23
- Baseball vs Lipscomb, 3pm, Reese Field
- Conversation Partners Meal, 6pm, PSF House

Thursday, 2/25
- Men's Basketball vs Western Kentucky, 6pm, Murphy Center

Saturday, 2/27
- Men's Tennis vs Columbia and TSU, 1pm and 6pm (respectively), Adams Tennis Complex at Old Fort Park
- Men's Basketball vs Marshall, 5pm, Murphy Center


  1. It’s really good! The meeting agenda is perfect and I don’t want to any other topic to this. Usually I take part in various events at event space Chicago and provide suggestions but this agenda seems to be perfect. Good job buddy!
